ISS Switzerland is committed to the implementation of pioneering projects in its various fields of expertise. This is the case, for example, when we identifie a gap in needs or when interesting synergies can be built with public agencies or civil society organisations.

Since January 2020, the canton of Valais has been testing the so-called parental consensus model in family law proceedings involving children. This provides, among other things, for the orientation of parents to mediation and accompaniment in shared parenting. ISS Switzerland coordinates the work of the professionals involved in the pilot project and all communication.

ISS Switzerland offers unaccompanied minors (UM) and former UM the opportunity to participate in a video workshop as part of the MY PERSPECTIVE project, which is run jointly with the Peer Campaigns association and UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein. During one week, the UM conduct film interviews on their future and integration with young adults who, like them, came to Switzerland as UM.

MYSELF is an online platform for UM who are approaching legal age. Created in collaboration with the French-speaking cantons, the MYSELF platform aims to help young people learn to be independent. The platform includes interactive and informative fact sheets on health, relationships, project work and everyday life, as well as useful services for UM in the cantons. An expansion of the project to the German-speaking cantons and Ticino is planned from 2022.

Building on our experience in supporting reintegration in the country of origin, ISS Switzerland has developed a collaboration with the Geneva Cantonal Detention Office and the Geneva Red Cross Return assistance. The aim of the programme is to support imprisoned persons in Geneva who must leave Switzerland at the end of their prison sentence and who express an interest in realising a reintegration project in their country of origin.